
Traffic Management

Many events require traffic management solutions to be put in place. These services ensure that key points are effectively managed and help to reduce the negative impact that traffic may have on a public area, event or place of business.

Experienced In Managing Traffic

Firstly, Stambridge Security works with venue management, government bodies and the police, to provide detailed traffic management solutions for all types of events and locations. In addition, our well-trained staff have the experience to ensure smooth and safe traffic control.

Full Traffic Management Solutions

Most importantly, we take care of traffic solutions from top to bottom. From initial site prep, through to the management of traffic entering and exiting site, our experienced team are on-hand for all types of events and operations. This also includes managing construction and trader traffic where required.

In addition to pre and post-event operations, we protect property, goods, and people throughout. Furthermore, our customer service is second to none and traffic control is no exception to this consideration.

Traffic Control Operations

Our traffic solutions include but are not limited to services such as:

  1. Parking Ticketing
  2. Car Park Patrolling
  3. Taxi Flow Control
  4. Road Diversions
  5. Indoor Events
  6. Outdoor Events
  7. Construction Sites
  8. Large Vehicle Access