
New Year Resolutions

See what plans Stambridge Group have in store for the new year as we take a look at the tradition of making resolutions & planning for the future.

Making Resolutions & our 2022 Plans

New year, new you!

With the new year approaching, millions of us will soon be making resolutions, & we wondered, why do we see the start of a new year as such a meaningful & significant time to make changes?

Statistically, only around 8% of resolutions are successful, with many of us already accepting that we won’t see it through till the end. We’ve spoken in a previous blog about making sure when setting goals to have manageable targets so that the end goal is achievable.

Many of us put unnecessary pressure on committing to a resolution at a time when life can be chaotic. After having just survived the Christmas period, keeping the family happy with a Michelin star-worthy Christmas feast, & lavishing gifts on our nearest & dearest, is the new year really the time to make changes?

Well, we’ll leave that decision up to you!

We make commitments not resolutions

‘So, what are Stambridge Group’s resolutions?’ you might ask… 

The whole team have had input over recent months & we have decided to make a series of commitments, rather than resolutions! We have already given these commitments a massive kick-start by appointing our new Group Operations Director & continuing with a full re-structure of the business. 

Along with internal staffing changes, we are thrilled to welcome an updated event services division, with the core of the work operating under the Facilities Management umbrella. When revising our 2022 event calendar, it became increasingly obvious that this side of the business required its own dedicated focus & team; Stambridge Event Support. 

We quickly realised that a larger workspace would be needed if plans for expansion are to be achieved & are currently in negotiations to secure a more suitable HQ. The designers are currently flat out making our visual dreams come true & we are excited to give you more updates as soon as we can!

You do you!

So, whether you’re one to make a resolution, set some goals, or make commitments, we wish you all as much success, happiness, & self-growth as possible. We cannot wait to share more of our business with you in 2022!