
Gardening & You

Gardening is dear to us at Stambridge & we want to encourage more people to get outside & make good use of their garden areas. Check out the good effects of this wonderful past-time & our tips for creating the ideal environment for your plants to thrive.

Gardening & You

Here at Stambridge Group, we pride ourselves on the variety & scope of services included within our Facilities Management division. One of the most recent additions to those services is Stambridge Gardening & Landscaping.

So, with this in mind, we thought it might be a great topic to explore in our latest blog addition…

Benefits of being in the Garden

There are of course various advantages to spending more time outside, but what exactly are the benefits?

Nature is nurture... it is a commonly known fact that vitamin D can help improve our immune systems.

Open-air... being outside means you'll be ‘living in the moment’, it’s the perfect chance to clear your mind & adjust your focus.

Physical exercise... gardening means work, & that, in turn, means burning calories.

Enhancement of sensory development... being in nature certainly brings you 'back to your senses'.

Improved mental health... specific ecotherapy methods can be used for mental well-being.

Stress relief... gardening releases endorphins.

Sustainability & nutrition... you'll save money & can improve your diet by harvesting your own fruit & veg.

Are you Prepared for Spring?

Spring is officially just around the corner, & now is as good a time as any to get out in the garden, but how to prepare?

With the days getting lighter & soil temperatures growing warmer, it's a good time to start planning what you might want to grow.

You only need a few basic tools to get started. Find a good space with sunlight, remove any weeds or excess grass & you'll be ready to plant away!

Here are a few other points you may want to think about for your garden:

  1. Consider layout & colour.
  2. Don’t over-water potted plants.
  3. Keep soil moist & use a good fertiliser.
  4. Protect against frost, consider moving potted plants to the shed.

Let’s Look After Wildlife

The garden is a perfect place to observe a variety of wildlife, including insects, birds, hedgehogs, badgers, squirrels, & many more. But what can you do to look after these cherished household favourites?

  1. Let your grass grow for longer, making room for insects.
  2. Create bird nesting boxes & put out suitable bird food.
  3. Grow climbers to encourage pollinating insects.
  4. Create a pond, no matter how big or small (burying a bucket in the ground would work perfectly).
  5. Create compost areas, helping to inhabit many insects.
  6. Leave a gap in the fence, this will encourage small animals such as hedgehogs & other wildlife.